Monday, May 24, 2010

MA healthcare premiums rising

just a quick post today.

at the risk of beating an issue into the ground, here are some figures from todays boston globe regarding the rising cost of healthcare in massachusetts. again recall that the massachusetts healthcare system is generally what the federal plan used as a model.

so how does this sytem control health costs again?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

blame canada?

you would think that based upon the outcry from president obama, homeland security secretary janet napolitano, and various city councils (boston and LA among others) regarding the new arizona illegal immigration enforcement law that the government does not want to protect our borders. but you would be wrong, you're just thinking about the wrong border.

the department of homeland security is pursuing taking 4.9 acres from a vermont dairy farm by eminent domain in order to expand the morses line port of entry station despite the fact that this border crossing is described thusly:
On average, 2½ cars pass through an hour. The pace is so slow that U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents who man it have been known to fill out their days by driving golf balls in an adjoining meadow, shooting skeet or washing their cars.

so this must be based on data that homeland security has gathered right? nope. based upon a DHS study of illegal immigration, here is a breakdown of the country of origin of illegal immigrants:

im fairly certain that those coming from south of the united states are not entering illegally through canada. but apparently the federal government has other ideas.

Friday, May 14, 2010

a ground zero mosque?!

this is just nauseating.

this makes no sense even if you just think about it from strictly a PR angle. lets build a mosque in the exact spot where individuals used a perverted form of islam as their basis in attacking americans? and to open it on the anniversary of that attack?

who can think this is a good idea?

Plans are under way for a Muslim house of worship, topped by a 13-story cultural center with a swimming pool, in a building damaged by the fuselage of a jet flown by extremists into the World Trade Center.

The opening date shall live in infamy: Sept. 11, 2011. The 10th anniversary of the day a hole was punched in the city's heart.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

healthcare already costs more!

how long has it been since the healthcare reform bill was signed into law...7 weeks? and now we hear from the CBO a revised estimate about the cost. yup, the CBO underestimated the costs in their original report and are now saying it will be $115 billion more costly.

Congressional Budget Office estimates released Tuesday predict the health care overhaul will likely cost about $115 billion more in discretionary spending over ten years than the original cost projections.

The additional spending — if approved over the years by Congress — would bring the total estimated cost of the overhaul to over $1 trillion.

we havent even implemented this reform yet. how many more times do you think this estimate will be revised? mrs pelosi was right, we did need to pass the bill in order to see what was in it.