do you know where the phrase "dog days of summer" originated? i had always assumed that it simply meant that it was hot outside which would result in dogs lying around in the shade. nope, it has to do with the stars. canis major or "the big dog" is a constellation. sirius is the brightest star within this constellation and is sometimes called "the dog star." during the summer months, roughly july and august, the sun, earth and canis major are in alignment. so go download an app to your phone that allows you to find the canis major constellation.
jersey shore is back! i didn't like the fact that the same cast was just being moved to miami. i wanted it to be a fresh batch of maniacs hanging out in seaside. now they all have some level of celebrity attached to them which taints the reality experiment. though i have to admit that there was something nice about seeing familiar faces and not having to get to know them. you can already predict some things for this season:
** sammi sweatheart and ronnie will get back together...
** ...though it will result in constant bickering and arguing.
** angelina will get punched in the face. probably by jwoww.
** the hot tub will get polluted
is there a drinking game for the jersey shore? there should be! theres so much you could incorporate.
** take a drink when:
> every time snooki whines
> angelina says "classy"
> the situation says "grenade"
> ronron juice is seen or discussed
** multiple drinks for:
> pauly d in the dj booth
> fights
> dance floor scenes that include beating back the beat
why do they measure movies by box office dollars and not actual ticket sales? how do you compare movies between eras when obviously more recent movies obviously make more money because tickets cost more? the music industry uses album sales and not the money generated from album sales, so why can't the movie industry figure it out? for example: gone with the wind ranks #124 on worldwide box office sales but #1 when you adjust for ticket price inflation. in the reverse, avatar is #1 for sales yet #14 when adjusted.
who is buying this?! and why?

speaking of beer. while on vacation i had the pleasure of stopping in two places that served cask beer. cask ale beer is the term for unfiltered beer served from a cask without additional nitrogen or carbon dioxide pressure. it may also be referred to as "real ale." it's difficult to describe how it tastes differently than beer with carbonation from a keg, but it just does. find one in your area.
i feel like i'm late to the game but i can not stop playing "wagon wheel" by old crow medicine show. apparently portions of the song were written by bob dylan but never recorded then lyrics were added by OCMS. it appears that the band is in europe right now but keep an eye out for when they are in your area.
that's it for now. hopefully that didn't tax the brain too much. labor day and the end of the summer is going to be here before you know it so go enjoy some sunshine, or go fishing, or float down a river, or play golf, or see some live music in an amphitheatre or just sit and relax.
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