Tuesday, April 20, 2010

yet another taxpayer shakedown

from the boston globe on february 27th:
Despite new taxes, an improving economy, and staffing cuts, Boston is still facing a $42 million shortfall in the next budget year that could require more pink slips at City Hall, city officials said yesterday.

To close the gap, major city agencies have been asked to trim budgets by 1 percent, cuts that “may require layoffs,’’ said Lisa Calise Signori, the city’s director of administration and finance.

“Everything has to be on the table,’’ Signori said.

which logically leads to a story from the boston globe today:
A labor arbitration panel has ruled that Boston firefighters must submit to random drug and alcohol testing in exchange for a 19 percent raise over four years, a significant bump that will dwarf the pay increases for other city unions.

The decision, released yesterday after a bitter four-year standoff, is largely a victory for the firefighters, who the city says will receive a wage boost that is 5 percent higher than what police unions received. The size of the award puts Mayor Thomas M. Menino’s administration in a precarious position as negotiations begin this spring with the city’s 44 collective bargaining units, heightening expectations for raises.

im at the point where i want to just give up.

how can such a huge raise be justified in this economy?

why does adding a drug test equal a bump in pay? god forbid we have firefighters that arent high on the job.

why did it take so long to have a drug testing policy?

why are government employees unionized with the very politicians they elect negotiating their contracts?

where will all this extra money come from?

if a firefighter fails a drug test, will he be fired or "put into rehab" while being paid?

EVERYONE needs to go this november! if youre an incumbent, you automatically do not have my vote.

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